Multipurpose X-ray diffractometer Empyrean

Артикул: Empyrean

With the 3rd generation Empyrean, Malvern Panalytical has now redefined the concept of a multipurpose diffractometer: our newly designed MultiCore Optics enable the largest variety of measurements without any manual intervention. Empyrean has the unique ability to measure all sample types - from powders to thin films, from nanomaterials to solid objects - on a single instrument. The world of materials science is constantly changing and the life of a high performance diffractometer is much longer than the typical horizon of any research project. With Empyrean, you are ready for anything the future holds.


Empyrean is the only platform that does it all, delivering the best data quality on every sample types. It covers the largest set of X-ray diffraction, scattering and imaging applications in one single instrument. Moreover, Empyrean not only meets the high expectations of scientists and XRD experts today, but will continue to do so as research themes evolve Empyrean is ideal for teaching purposes, thanks to the large doors that open completely, allowing access to the system to several people; but at the same time is perfect to perform measurements in demanding R&D environments in several industries.

Features and benefits

Highest data quality on every sample

Praised by scientists for its performance, Empyrean allows them to prepare for synchrotron beam time in the best possible way. The unrivalled collection of sample stages and optical components for Empyrean allows applications to be done in various ways: from ‘simple’ by just adding a few slits and analysis software to a standard geometry, to top performance using dedicated optics, sources and detectors. This is ideal for a multipurpose laboratory: if the need for a certain application increases, data quality and throughput time can be improved by adding dedicated modules.

Multipurpose and future proof

“The only thing constant in life is change”. This holds especially in a research environment, where the analytical needs often change with a redirection of the research program. New applications are easily added to an Empyrean system, making it the perfect answer for anything the feature will hold. New and exciting applications are constantly developed on this platform, keeping our customers on the cutting edge of technology.

Hybrid PIXel technologies

Malvern Panalytical has always been at the forefront of hybrid detector technology. We were the first company to introduce combined 0D and 1D functionality in silicon strip detectors and to expand the onboard flexibility to 0D-1D-2D-3D. The small pixel size, zero background and the high dynamic range of our hybrid detectors (PIXcel3D and GaliPIX3D) bring with them a revolution in the way XRD applications are treated. No longer is it necessary to maximize intensity or 2D detector size. With a choice of optics and operational radii, you can optimize the configuration to really suit your purpose.

MultiCore Optics

The newly developed MultiCore Optics featuring the iCore and dCore, greatly simplify the usage of a multipurpose system, bringing automation to a level never been seen before. When switching between measurements the iCore and dCore take care of the work and do not need any human intervention.


PreFIX is our proven proprietary concept that stands for pre-aligned fast interchangeable X-ray modules.

Thanks to this PreFIX concept your diffraction system becomes flexible, fast and future proof. The PreFIX mounting method of optics and stages enables the diffractometer to be reconfigured thanks to a reproducible positioning in three dimensions with microns precision. This allows users to switch between different applications in a matter of minutes, making the Empyrean a real multipurpose diffractometer.

Good laboratory practice

Empyrean with its alignment-free PreFIX modules and measurement and analysis automation possibilities supports anyone who has good laboratory practice (GLP) in mind. In addition, every aspect of the Empyrean package, from the hardware to dedicated analysis solutions, comes with extensive tutorials for novice users yet offers access to all functions for experts.

Empyrean Nano Edition

Versatile X-ray scattering platform

The Empyrean Nano edition is a hybrid laboratory X-ray scattering instrument. It uniquely enables for a variety of techniques for the structural characterization of (nano)materials on multiple length scales.

Main applications:

  • SAXS and WAXS: Small-and wide-angle X-ray scattering
  • Bio-SAXS: SAXS on biological macromolecules
  • USAXS: Ultra small-angle X-ray scattering
  • Total scattering: Atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis

Several other applications, such as powder diffraction, thin film analysis and CT can be added - also as later upgrades.

The high performance and flexibility of the instrument are driven by a high-resolution goniometer platform, a modular concept and latest detector technology.

Empyrean Alpha 1

Unrivalled data quality from a laboratory XRD system

Empyrean Alpha-1 is configured with a unique symmetric Ge monochromator (Johansson type) giving perfect Cu or Co Kα1-only Bragg-Brentano reflection geometry data for structure determination, with unrivaled resolution, excellent peak symmetry, and ultra-low backgrounds.

Thanks to the PreFIX concept on the tube housing, users can easily swap between Kα1-only configuration to Kα1,2 in a matter of minutes.