Zetium X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF)

Артикул: Zetium

Smart Zetium for reliable results and robust operation

The Zetium XRF spectrometer leads the market in high-quality design and innovative features for elemental analysis from sub-ppm to percentage of Be to Am, meeting the most demanding process and quality control, as well as R&D applications.
The revolutionary platform embodies SumXcore technology – an integration of WDXRF and EDXRF. This unique combination of possibilities puts Zetium in a class of its own with respect to analytical power, speed and flexibility in multiple environments.
The intuitive SuperQ software simplifies application workflows and provides a wide range of additional software modules available for specific analysis. With the latest digital solution Smart Manager, a clear picture of the utilization and health of your system is presented to unleash the full potential of Zetium.

Industry editions

Tailored solutions for specific industries
Industry editions of the Zetium XRF spectrometer are offered with dedicated expertise templates, and hardware and software configurations for specific industries. Designed for rapid commissioning and calibration, these industry editions have proprietary, high-quality, traceable application setup modules, that include setup standards and sample preparation instructions. Also included are tailored application templates for typical industry applications and international norms compliance. Among the industries served with this approach are cement, minerals, metals, petrochemicals and polymers & plastics. The Ultimate edition configuration meets the most demanding requirements regardless of industry.
Dedicated industry editions of the Zetium XRF spectrometer are offered for specific industries: cement, minerals, metals, petrochemicals and polymers & plastics. The Ultimate edition configuration meets the most demanding requirements regardless of industry. The modular design of the Zetium platform allows for task-oriented performance enhancements through various packages.

Elemental innovation

Continuous development, improved customer experience
Scientifically-sound, benefits-driven innovations achieved with SumXcore technology - an integration of WDXRF and EDXRF - incorporated into the Zetium platform provide ultimate flexibility, performance and versatility and are on track to revolutionize the world of XRF.

Elemental intelligence

Advanced analytical hardware requires advanced analytical software and expertise
A quantum step for our renowned SuperQ software gives access to new technology combinations and analytical possibilities. Starring the Virtual Analyst, it enhances the user experience in setting up and operating the system.

Elemental support

Transparent and reliable support no matter the location
From service to expertise, training to laboratory analysis the user is supported from every angle. With a worldwide network of experienced engineers, coupled with the industry’s largest pool of application scientists, Malvern Panalytical is always on hand to help you meet your analytical requirements. 

Elemental technology

60 years of experience and heritage - the ideal starting point
Zetium is the next in a generation of remarkably successful WDXRF spectrometers, including the Axios, the MagiX and the PW2400. This heritage of proven technology has been refined and brought forward providing the foundation to the Zetium platform.

Smart Manager

Unleash the potential of your data
Until now, instrument data has too often been stuck in manual records, spreadsheets or site-specific servers. By connecting the Zetium to our Smart Manager and continually analyzing instrument data in the cloud, you can unleash its full potential. This is just one of our digital solutions that are part of Malvern Panalytical's Connected World. 


Enhanced analytical performance
  • Power upgrades from 1 to 2.4, 3 or 4 kW for enhanced sensitivity
  • Range of X-ray tube anode materials Rh, Cr, Mo and Au for specific application performance
  • Duplex detector for enhanced sensitivity and wider dynamic range for transition metals analysis
  • HiPer scintillation detector for increased dynamic range for heavy elements (linear up to 3.5 Mcps) ideal for high precision analysis of Nb and Mo in steels

Superior user experience

  • Simple, intuitive software with The Virtual Analyst
  • Full suite of application setup modules and software solutions
  • Industry-leading standardless XRF analysis with Omnian - analysis of unknowns or when standards are unavailable
  • Multi-element small spot analysis with mapping
  • Programmable collimator masks for sample sizes between 6 mm and 37 mm

Maximum sample throughput

  • SumXcore technology - measurement times reduced by up to 50% with an ED core
  • Power upgrades from 1 to 2.4, 3 or 4 kW for faster analysis times
  • Hi-Per channels for simultaneous measurement of light elements
  • Continuous and direct sample loading significantly reduces instrument overhead
  • High-capacity sample changer bed (up to 209 positions) for high throughput applications
  • Sample changer bar code reader option enables fast, error-free sample loading and data entry


  • Dust removal device minimizes contamination and maximizes instrument uptime
  • CHI-BLUE X-ray tube window coating for increased X-ray tube durability and resistance to corrosion
  • Sample type identification (solids & liquids)
  • Bar code reader for error-free sample entry

 Low cost of ownership

  • Space-saving, compact design
  • Small-volume airlock design – for rapid cycling of samples into vacuum, or low He consumption for liquids analysis
  • Easy-access service modules mean faster instrument serviceability and minimum downtime
  • Dedicated chiller removes heat from the laboratory – avoiding overtaxing laboratory air conditioning infrastructure
  • Packaged cost-saving solutions

Enhanced data security

  • The Enhanced Data Security option for the SuperQ software package helps you strengthen your audit trail, minimize the risk of error, and prove that your XRF instrument is working as expected.
  • Capabilities include advanced user management, action logging, data protection and application status assignment.